Summer 2016
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Programs for Children
Email us to request a letter of registration

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship
for Girls, ages 9-18
Our Farm on Whidbey Island
Summer Day Program
Exact Dates Coming Soon~10:30-2:30
Cost: $295,
A mentorship program for young women to learn to live fully, powerfully and compassionately.
The plants will be our teachers.
Each day we will spend time on the land and in the garden, listening through shamanic exercises.
We will weave women's lore, creative arts, writing, song, ceremonies and storytelling into this.
Includes a nourishing lunch and herbal crafting supplies.
Pre-registration is required.
(No one turned away for lack of funds.)

Children in Nature
An Earth and Herbal Adventure
for Girls and Boys, ages 9-13
Summer Day Camp-We will let you know when we will offer this again
Earth~Centered Gardening,
Herbal Crafting, Shamanic Listening
and Creative Arts
Includes a nourishing lunch and herbal crafting supplies.
(No one turned away for lack of funds.)
What parents are saying about their children's participation in Herbal Wisdom Mentorships:
"My daughter, Chloe, began herbal mentorship classes with Julie this year. Chloe has an affinity for the land and an interest in herbal remedies and health. We have been thrilled with the amount of information she gets from Julie every time she sees her. Chloe comes back from Julie's class with an enthusiasm rare in preteens. Julie's calm, intuitive nature helps her to relate to preteens and broach subjects with which they might normally feel uncomfortable. In a society that has largely given up on the idea of ritual, rites of passage and mentorship, Julie provides a necessary service for our daughters." J..S.-Chloe's Mom, Snohomish
“At the time that I took Julie’s thirteen week apprenticeship, I was a fifteen years old. I had stopped going to school in order to find my freedom. Julie’s Wise Woman teachings helped me discover my spiritual center,
along with the foundation to plant my roots, so I could grow into the world.
Thank you Julie, for all your nurturing gifts!” Soleil Chappelle
“A little over a year ago, I met Julie for the first time. Within minutes I knew. Although she had described herself as a mentor to young girls and women, I approached her and said, ‘I think you are supposed to work with my son.’
Julie’s gifts as an herbalist are well known on our blessed island. Any conversation about plants and healing involves a mention of Julie’s work. What may not be as well known is that this work can be transformative for children. Following traditional labels, our son would have been labeled “behavioral disorder” at best. I cannot imagine how frustrated he must have been as he struggled to block his inner knowings because they just didn’t fit in the western world.
Julie is Rowen’s “special person”. She is the one he trusts outside of his family and the one I contact when something is difficult for him. He speaks very little about what they do together. Yet when I watch him touch a plant or hold a ceremony for the grape vine that died, I know the work touches him in the most profound way. With Julie he is finding a way to connect with nature while he figures out how to be a kid. NS, Whidbey Island
My Daughter has participated in Julie's Herbal Wisdom for Girls since she was 7. It has been a significant part of her life. At age 11, she considers herself an herbalist and a healer. Recently, Hannah received a phone call from an adult friend of mine who is a healer as well. My friend had called Hannah for some herbal advice! Hannah confidently dispersed information that was accurate and thoughtful. It was a delightful moment for her.
This kind of confidence is really about trust in herself. Julie's program provides a safe place to listen and connect deeply to plants,nature and Self. Julie's has a way of relating and teaching that sinks in and touches the heart of what really matters. I know that Julie's Teachings and Hannah's knowings are deeply planted in Hannah.
As her mother, I find deep peace in knowing that these teachings will continue to inform Hannah as she navigates the path to womanhood and beyond. We are deeply grateful.
Hannah's Mom
“Thank you for the love that you have given and brought forth in my child--which multiplies out in my family and our friends and our relationship with Mother Gaia.” S.D., Seattle
“Thanks for bringing your “green” work not only to the adults but to the children… our future. You are a powerful influence in my children’s lives. Blessings to you, Julie!” K.Z., Seattle
Here is a sampling of what will be experienced:
- Identifying medicinal herbs amongst native plants, weeds and garden herb
- Hands on discovery of the safe and wise use of these herbs and crafting herbal preparations
- Ancient perspectives on health and well-being that will increase self esteem and confidence
- Listening techniques that allow the plant's voices to be heard.
- Sustainable gardening practices including permaculture techniniques.
Time to reflect through writing and creative arts.
- Have fun connecting on the earth, with the goats, the fairies and devas and vibrant earth energies.
- Enjoy time with our 4 goats.
- The wisdom of the trees
- Girls learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover stories and wisdom about women's lore, Goddess archetypes, and have an opportunity to create a ritual of empowerment.

This is my first herbal mentor, Carol, and I making mischief in the bathroom. I was 4 1/2 years old. When we both were about that age,
Carol took me to the place where the wild redwood sorrel grew near the park in my hometown and told me to try some.
We called it "sours".
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Herbal Wisdom Circle. Journey of the Rose and Rose Mysteries Weekends
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Children and Teens
Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings
Home Study in Shamanic Herbalism and Prosperity Consciousness
Prosperity Groups and Coaching