Monthly Archives

I am a Wildcrafter

I am a Wildcrafter I began writing about wildcrafting yesterday and although I got a lot of my ideas into the writing, I felt like something was missing. Then an apprentice graduate of mine came to pick me up and she and I and two small children went out to harvest plantain from our church’s […]


Veganism, Plant Sentience and the Sacredness of Life

Veganism, Plant Sentience and the Sacredness of Life I read somewhere recently about reasons to become a vegan. The reason that stood out for me, “Plants are not sentient.” This brought all kinds of emotion for me, and started me thinking and thinking about the debate about eating animals. I started to investigate and research […]


I Offer Persephone an Apple

I Offer Persephone an Apple I have learned quite a bit from standing under our Gravenstein Apple Tree. She is a stately home for many birds and insects. She wears garlands of pink blossoms in spring and in Autumn her fruit offers deep nourishment. Apple is the guardian of the gateway to the underworld, her […]


There is No Fear

Samhain, the time of the ancestors, is a potent time for me.  I love the quietness of the earth, and the potent earth energies beneath the ground. I used to celebrate Halloween, get dressed up and often get drunk at parties.  This was a shallow experience for me.  Even now that I don’t drink alcohol […]